Sunday, January 9, 2011

Minutes of Meeting - 8th Jan, 2011

A Very Happy New Year to all of you!
Our meeting on 8th Jan was the 3rd meeting in preparation for the Alumni Meet and the first one for the new year. Rather encouragingly, we've finally got a move-on and arrived at a few more concrete plans.
  • Invitation: Decided to give the college a soft-copy of the invitation by Wednesday after consolidating the Contact List. Quite sadly, quite a few batches have still not been able to collect substantial information on this front. Irrespective of the updated contacts, we thought it would be best to print 1650 copies (an approximate number of the total number of MSEC alumni so far) and send it to either the updated address obtained from the respective SPOC's or through the college register.
  • Events: We added a couple of additional events in the itinerary for the day.
    4:00 - 5:00 PM - High Tea and Informal Chit-Chat
    5:00 - 5:45 PM - Speech from the management + Alumni Site Launch + Speech about Alumni Association. 
    5:45 - 6:00 PM - Speech/Presentation by Rajesh Kumar, Pawan Kumar - ECE '05
    6:00 - 6:15 PM - Speech/Presentation by Shiva (IT), Meera (CSE), et al - '07
    6:15 - 6:30 PM - Speech by EEE '08 guys
    6:30 - 6:45 PM - Surprise Event
    6:45 - 7:00 PM - Fun & Games
    7: 00 - 7:15 PM - The Floor's all yours! (Open session for anyone to come and speak.)
    7:15 - 7:30 PM - Speech by Raman Sir
    7:30 PM onwards - Dinner
  • Meeting with Current 3rd/4th Years: We were earlier planning to meet with the current 3rd/4th years some time this week, but owing to the symposiums, we thought it would be better to meet with them later on. We kind of agreed that meeting them exactly a week before the symposium would be a good idea so we could also get their help in organizing the event on Feb 12th.
    Format of interaction: Instead of having 1 or 2 persons give a rambling talk on the Alumni Club & its objectives standing on the dais, we thought of adopting a slightly more colloquial approach - having around 3-4 of us spread across the hall and presenting the idea of the Alumni Club in a conversational manner. If any of you are interested in talking to them, as always, just shoot an email to
  • E-Meets: Quite a few people who are not in Chennai or were not able to come to college for whatever reason suggested meeting on Skype so they could also participate, which is obviously a good idea. Hence, we've planned to meet on Wednesday, 12th Jan at 10 PM on Skype. Please email if you would also like to participate.
That's about stuff from us for now. So long and until Wednesday, bye bye!

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