Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Manisha Mohan's post about life in MSEC!

Received a mail from Manisha Mohan today morning about her experiences with MSEC. Publishing it on behalf of her - Shiva

College days – Those blissful days!!!

College days are indeed the most memorable and wonderful days in anyone’s life. I still
remember the day, when I stepped into through the doors of KRS auditorium on the very
first day of college in August 2004. The transformation in me when I had stepped out of
the same auditorium after the convocation ceremony in Jan 2009 can never be expressed.
Yes! It is indeed my college which is responsible for what I am today. For all the respect
I gain from the society, as a responsible engineer, a good care taker and as a situation
handler, I have no words to express all the gratitude towards my college.

The real challenge started when I took over as the class representative in early 2005.
From there I continued to take over as the joint secretary and finally the Secretary of
Electronics and Communication Students Association (ELECSA). A post that I can
always boast about!!! Time and tide gave me no bounds. As we conducted symposiums,
I learnt the art of people management, time and task management, most important
of all, ‘Responsibility’. Taking an active part in the placement cell helped me to
communicate as a proud MSECian to various concerns and IT giants.

The vital story of all is about the final year campus placement. My college had always
created history in placing 100% of its students. With all the grooming I received, I was
placed at India’s largest MNC, Tata Consultancy Services (TCS). I continued to spread
the MSEC magic in TCS as well. But now, I stand as a M.E. student, in one of India’s
most prestigious institutions, Anna University, as a student elected class representative
again – a trusted and respected girl in my college.

As I walk through the memories of my college life, my eyes filled with tears, thinking
about all the fun, from project reviews to campus interviews, nick names to last benches,
friendship, symposiums, all the chatting and laughing, till the painful moment of
separation!!! When it is time to depart, I am sure that everyone from my college would
leave with a heavy heart.

Today, life is full of commitment and questions about future. But the cherished moments
of my college life will always stay afresh in my memories.
Words can never express my gratitude towards my most respected Principal, revered
Correspondent, my loving and honored HOD, my placement officer, all the staffs who
have and not taught me, to our ever famous Raman sir and Chemistry ma’m - Noone can
ever replace how much you mean to us!!!

- Manisha Mohan 

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